Warehousing & Logistics |
- Basic - IWS offers all basic warehousing & logistics
- On Line Capabilities - All IWS clients can be set up with
a web enabled secure password that allows them to access their part
inventories at any time. The basic information available consists
of inventories by part number, shipping histories by client plant,
consumption forecasts, and total system inventory level encompassing
in-transit, warehouse, and customer plant inventories. This information
is critical in managing your production and shipping schedules. Custom
reports can be jointly developed, as our client needs dictate.
Quality Control and Containment |
- Quality Control - Because we are very close
to your customer plants, we can act very quickly in the unfortunate
event you have a quality control concern. We can quickly deploy personnel
to the customer plant if necessary to contain and/or sort the stock.
- Inspection
- Sorting and Containment
Representation |
- Limited Representation - Quality issues,
Delivery issues
- Full Representation - Sales, Engineering